Leminar Air Conditioning Industries was founded in the year 2000 with the goal of providing a full solution for HVAC contractors' sheet metal needs throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia. The Al Shirawi Group's stockholders have an entrepreneurial mentality, and the organisation operates on a basic principle of diversification and innovation.
Leminar's state-of-the-art plant in Dubai Industrial City covers 325,000 square feet, making it one of the region's largest duct production facilities. The plant is outfitted with cutting-edge automated gear, including a fully automated duct coil line for producing ducts with integral low leakage flanges GCF-1 (Continuous Girth Flange-Double Hollow). The factory is the region's first duct manufacturing facility to use Lean concepts in its design.
Leminar's dedication to excellence, as well as its enthusiasm for fire safety, indoor environmental quality, and acoustics, has prompted the firm to invest in products that have been tested and certified to the most recent international standards. Fire-rated ducting, sound attenuators, acoustic louvres, variable air volume units, life safety dampers, and galvanised / mild steel / stainless steel/aluminium sheet metal ductwork are among the company's primary products.
visit websiteWe offer a full spectrum of solutions to fulfill the needs of our world-class partners. Explore them below.
Our outstanding range of sheet metal ductwork products serve a wide variety of industry verticals in the region and beyond.
An overview of Leminar Industries’ contributions to iconic projects across the UAE.